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About the farm

About the farm

The Banfi farm is located on the Prekmurje plain between Murska Sobota and the Austrian border. If you're looking for an impressive sight to see, you must come see the farm's fields in the spring-summer months.

The farm has been operating since 1894. At the time, it was on just 3 hectares. Since then, the farm's area has increased to 43 hectares. 40 hectares are used for intensive agriculture, 3 hectares of forest are used for own purposes. All the work on the farm is done by a family of five, who put all their love in the fields and produce.


As years go by, the farm is ​passed down to younger generations who then take care of additional growth and existence of the farm. Furthermore, the farm is modernized with farming equipment, that enables faster and more quality processing of the fields and thus increasing the produce in both quantity and quality.


We produce grains like wheat, rye, and barley, along with oilseed crops like pumpkins, and rapeseed, as well as corn. In addition, they produce nuts and fruits in an extensive orchard.


We care for our quality produce from the time we sow until we harvest. After the harvest, we either sell the produce for further processing, or we store it on the homestead. We then transform the latter into quality and delicious products.

Starting in 2014 we also started a complementary activity on the farm. We choose pumpkins as a market niche. Thus since 2014, we are selling pumpkin seed oil, along with walnut oil that we added to our range of products in the autumn of 2014.

Rural development program


 Title of the activity: 

Agri-environment-climate payments (measure 10)


Reduce the impact of farming on the environment

Expected results: Preserving the biodiversity and landscape, proper water management and soil management, as well as mitigation and adjustment of farming to climate change.







Measure Agri-environment-climate payments (measure KOPOP) supports agriculture in its environmental function and is dedicated to the encouragement of high standard farming practices, directed into the preservation of the biodiversity and landscape, proper water management and soil management, as well as mitigation and adjustment of farming to climate change. The payments encourage the implementation of agricultural practices that are above the required standards of usual agricultural practice. These aren't income payments, but payments that cover the additional costs and loss of income due to the implementation of the high standard demands of the KOPOP measures. These payments reward the farmer as an environmental caretaker, who with his activities along with food production, preserves nature, protects water and soil, maintains the countryside, guarantees the implementation of socially important services and non-commodity public goods.

Main activities:


Operation "Agriculture and vegetable production" means the change of existing agricultural practices. It improves the soil and water condition by improving the fertility and structure of soil, increasing the microbiological activities of the soil, protecting soil from the harmful effects of the weather (crusting, loss of moisture, erosion), phytosanitary effects (less weeds, less pests and pathogens) and preventing the washout of nutrients into the subsoil. 




Operation "Water sources" means the change of existing agricultural practices and is implemented in contributory areas of bodies of surface waters and areas of bodies of groundwater from the plan of water management. It is meant for the preservation and improvement of the quality of water sources, it also contributes to the preservation and improvements to the characteristics and fertility of the soil.





Operation "Preserving plant genetic sources, threatened by genetic erosion" means the change of existing agricultural practices and is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the original properties and genetic variability of indigenous and traditional varieties of cereals, corn, potatoes, oilseeds, fodder plants, vegetables, hops, fruit plants, and vines.

Co-financing: "European Agricultural Fun for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas"

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